Sabtu, 29 September 2007

computer does not recognize ipod troubleshooting

Many time all of sudden computer won't recognize your ipod.

If Computer does not recognize ipod do the following troubleshooting steps

Try to attach ipod to different computer. It it is mount on another computer or not. If ipod still not mounting then remove all other usb device attach with computer and only attach ipod it may possible that ipod conflict with other usb devices.
Then Try to change the cable that you are using to mount ipod on computer. If still ipod not mount on computer that mean problem must be with ipod.

Now check hold switch is on or off. Make sure it is off.
Check battery is charged or not. Try to dry the battery and then charge again and then mount ipod.
Try to update firmware of you ipod from apple web site.
Also try to reset you ipod or the one and only last solution restore your ipod.

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